Apricale medieval village - Foto APT RdF -----------50--------60


Apricale, August 2010 

Each summer the suggestive acquaintance in the historical district of Apricale with the Teatro della Tosse is back; a magical trip into the fantasy and the performing art of theatre that will enchant you on the 21st edition of “…e le stelle stanno a guardare” (…and the stars are just staring).

Every evening from Friday, August 6th to Sunday, August 15th the magical performance will take place again with the 2010 theme: “Cosmic Show: the Zodiac’s horizons”

The screenplay and direction are held by Emanuele Conte and Amedeo Romeo, the company of the Teatro della Tosse in collaboration with the Righi Astronomical Observatory, the Traveling Astronomers association and the Cassini Astronomical Observatory of Perinaldo.