<b>Roses from San Remo</b> - Photo APT RdF


Sanremo, January 2010

An exhibit hosting original drawings of artists that have illustrated Fabrizio de Andrè’s songs will take place at the Civic Museum of Sanremo in Palazzo Borea D’Olmo.

The exhibit is organized by Pepi Morgia and Claudio Porchia, comprehending drawings of the watercolor artist Dino Gambetta, of the illustrator Martina Tauro, the botanist Libereso Guglielmi, the cartoonist Tiziano Riverso.

The exhibit will be open to the public from December 18th, 2009 to February 27th, 2010 according to the visiting time schedule of the museum, closed on Sunday and Monday.

For more information, please visit the website: www.sanremomanifestazioni.it