The San Benedetto historical revival in Taggia - P


Taggia, February 2011 

Once again for 2011 an interesting journey into history taking place each February in the city of Taggia will be renovated.

Starting on February 12th with a very particular evening among the streets and the squares of the historical district where suggestive bonfires will be set to begin the celebrations of the Festivity of Saint Benedetto Revelli.

From 9 PM the fires will be accompanied by music and local specialties served in the cellars of the historical district and the places and restaurants of Taggia.

On Sunday, February 20th the San Benedetto Fair will take place with many stands around all the downtown streets and squares.

On Saturday, February 26th don’t miss the Medieval market in the squares of the city center and the reconstruction of the Great battle that will take place at the Soccer Field.

On Sunday, February 27th great final event with the evocative reconstructions from the 17th Century around the several city districts (from 10 AM). In the afternoon at 4 PM Historical Parade with walk-ons, dames, knights and final prize ceremony in Piazza Cavour for the best groups.